Wednesday, February 12, 2020

African emerging markets as a potential destination of efficiency Essay

African emerging markets as a potential destination of efficiency seeking investment - Essay Example However, the Asian continent serves as Africa’s greatest threat in terms of foreign investment as the continent has intense aspects by European countries and other grown economies. For this reason, the Asian continent experiences rapid growth in terms of infrastructure and the economy unlike in Africa. On the other hand, investments in African countries by foreigners attributes to maintained peace while the countries that do not have peace experience minimal international investment. Therefore, this essay will indulge on why Africa has steadily been an emerging market as a potential investment destination by foreign investors. In the global population index, Africa boasts of having at least one billion inhabitants spread across the continent. Essentially, this figure comprises of all fractions of the population that include age, gender, among many other factors. However, the literacy levels are average with the percentage standing at sixty two. This means that the elite population is slightly above the half percentage meaning that it is not enough to sustain employment and investment. By 2008, the collective gross development profit for the continent combined was at least two million trillion dollars making it high, but with minimal income. In addition, the overall expenditure levels for the continent were eight hundred and sixty billion US dollars as at 2008. Despite these visible trends, analysts predict that Africa would increase profits and gross spending income by 2020. However, the achievement of these desired results squarely laid with the investments levels if made at a steady rate. For instance, the population of Africa will be at one point four billion people by 2020. Further, analysts predict that the gross development profit will also increase to at least two point six trillion US dollars by the same time. In excess, the levels for consumer spending will also go up to almost one point four trillion dollars.

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